Humor, PureNerdism

PinWheel Procrastination: Get A Damn Job You Hippie


And you thought Friday’s couldn’t get any better!


Last week, I showed you Occupy Wall Street from the protester’s eyes. This week, the opposing view.


Universal Comcast tries to charge $60 for Tower Heist. I’d never pay 60 to watch a movie that I didn’t physically own. Those are boxset prices!

★ The robots are already taking over!

Layaway is more expensive than using a credit card. The solution: save and pay cash.

★ Wired nailed the title: iCloud Is Like a Roach Motel You’ll Love Anyway.

★ If you’re prone to getting arrested, this Andriod app is for you!

Will NBA players start their own league? Don’t hold your breathe.

★ Yet another reason not to fly RyanAir.

★ Talking down At&t motivated Steve Jobs. Years later they would be the first to carry his iphone.

★ 10 annoying thing people from Miami and New York do. I’m from Miami and I now live in NYC- both articles are true!

UltraViolet from the studios will just push people to bit torrent.

Apple is going back to the Powerbook days where they will be making their own chips. Do you hear that sound? That’s Intel screaming in the corner.

★ There are lots of ways to save money. Growing your own food is just one of them.

★ I could not stop laughing when I read the headline of the family lost in a corn maze. How hard was that maze? I’m secretly still laughing.

&#9733 Ron English draws the truth from the cereal aisle.


★ From Get a Damn Job You Hippie.

★ From We are the 53 Percent.




★ If this guy is the spokesperson for Occupy Wall Street, the movement is in trouble!