
PinWheel Procrastination: Occupy Wall Street


And you thought Friday mornings couldn’t get any better!


Koch Industries made secret sale to Iran. Why aren’t these people in jail?

Are Debit Card Fees Meant to Get Consumers to Use Credit Cards More? My resolution is to move my money out of any bank that charges me to use my debit card. Vote with your dollars.

Netflix royally screwed over an indie filmmaker. The sad part is that they could have fixed it. Go over to Netflix and leave a positive review! He made the movie for $100!

★ The holy grail of tech: AMD’s First Eight-core Desktop Processors Detailed. Eight beautiful cores!

★ Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know we lost a visionary this week. The best tribute by far was by Boing Boing.

Engineering vs. Liberal Arts: Who’s Right—Bill or Steve?: Both. I side with the engineers because I am one, but Steve taught us tech can be pretty!

★ Occupy Wall Street is occupying some money.

Spotify is bleeding money. I love listening to any song I choose but the labels want to bleed internet music.

Steve Jobs Portrait Made from Old MacBook Pro Parts. Homage.

★ Bravo seems to be casting for the Real Housewives of Silicon Valley. Eww.

Are Debit Card Fees Meant to Get Consumers to Use Credit Cards More? Yes, and to aid retailers. This bill is not consumer friendly.

★ From We Are the 99 Percent.


Jelani, Occupy Wall Street from adele pham on Vimeo.