Humor, PureNerdism

PinWheel Procrastination: Come Fly With Me


And you thought Friday mornings couldn’t get any better!


Is Pay Per Channel Cable TV Inevitable? I hope sure hope so because I just want Bravo and ESPN.

★ Why I will be boycotting all AOL new sites. A blatant disrespect for integrity.

★ When parking spaces cost more than houses. That’s when I stop driving!

10 Actual Mistakes that Syfy Has Made Over the Years. Number 6 still breaks my heart!

★ This next article sounds racist, but Is Marriage for White People was actually an interesting read.

★ My daughter would not be wearing this shirt from JCPenny.

★ Ah, my home state of Florida and their shenanigans. I really hope the police lose this case.

★ My prediction: Google buys Hulu.

★ Some the best piece of advice about building your internet personae.

★ End of the Daily Deals era? Maybe not over, but they have peaked.

★ Matt Lucas and David Williams are my two favorite people in the universe! I mourned the ending of Little Britain, but they’re back!