politics, writing

The Darlene McBride Elections


I’m still one of those people that puts no faith in Donald Trump. Nope. Sorry. I. Don’t. Care.

However, it is slightly satanic that a man who champions Mexicans as rapists, Muslims as terrorists, and everybody else as losers, is pulling in 30% of the Republican vote- and in some states higher. Are at least 30% of people in the Grand Ole Party, “batshit crazy?” Yup. Is the rest of America? Nope.

Here’s the thing- there are racists and idiots everywhere. All parts of the globe have them. It’s why the aliens laugh at us. And while 30% of the GOP is the Idiocracy movie, only about 15% of our general population is. CNN might replay Trump to have the whole world believe we’re asinine, but I promise you we’re not.

Latinos won’t vote for him. African Americans won’t either. Sidebar- African Americans are why Bernie Sanders can’t win. Followed by sane, rational humans who have an IQ over 4 (also why Sanders can’t win). Trump, is a very niche, very scary candidate. He doesn’t have general election numbers, though, and that’s why the Republican Party is pissed. They know most “Republican” States will probably go to Hillary, because at the end of the day, most of us are adults who want an intelligent human to sit across Putin at trade summits.

So while cable news, swears this is the year of Darlene McBride, it ain’t. People like a side show, but they ain’t voting for it.