PureNerdism, writing

Princess Peach Standoff

Indian girl squeals with delight as new goodies arrive in the mail.

“Finally,” she said! “I’ve been waiting three whole days!”

“That seems rather fast, though”, asked a commentator.

“Yes, but I have patience issues.”

It is well known around these parts that the Indian girl does not like to wait for things. Especially when it has to do with Super Mario Brothers.

“Super Mario Brother’s 2 is the best video game of all time. We finally got a flying Peach!” she said referring to the princess and not the fruit.

“I played exclusively with her. I don’t know how other people beat the game without her skills. She was the most powerful character. A metaphor for life. And Shy Guy is on my key chain! God Bless America!”

A lone fluffy cat who refuses to partake in this interview, citing privacy concerns from female friends, looks on. He does not seemed please that a nap has been interrupted.

“I do like female figures,” he said before turning away.

The Indian girl has now taken to role playing with her princess key chain. It is safe to say, this interview is over.
