
President Obama Speaks on Baltimore


President Obama Speaks on Baltimore and Freddie Gray (at the 1:02:40 minute mark).


“People outraged because laws not applied equally to Mr. Gray.”

“The accountability needs to exist.”

“DOJ has opened an investigation into the death of Freddie Gray.”

“There are too many instances of police officers interacting with individuals, primary African American’s, who are often poor; in ways that raise troubling questions. And it seems to come up every couple of weeks now.”

“This is not new. And we should not pretend that this is new.”

“Solving this would require EVERYONE to feel that these kids are OUR kids. And they shouldn’t be living in poverty and violence.”

“This is not good for police. There are some police who are not doing the right thing.”

“We can’t just leave this to the police. There are some police that need to do some soul searching. There are some communities that need to do some soul searching.”