
Please Subscribe- The Movie

Tonight is the night. I cannot wait. I am the cheapest person in the universe so good luck getting me to shell out my hard earned cash for anything, especially a movie. A movie that I can usually, by some means, watch for free.

This one was the exception. While others are fundraising close to $200,000 from the kindness of their audience, Please’s Subscribe’s producer did it for $12,000. He went to Youtuber’s home’s for their interviews and to see where their magic truly does happen.

Why is this movie so important? Because if you are conscience enough to live in this day and age you’ll realize an amazing thing: anything you want to put out into the internet can catch on like wildfire. Whether you want to be a writer, actor, illustrator, or designer- all you have to do is keep creating, and it will come. Upload and we will follow.

There’s something to be said for people who chose to create with their life. There’s something to be said for people who decide that they will write, script, edit, and film all on your own. With your own money and dollar store props.

I’m happy to give this movie my money. I’m happy to live in a city where it will be showing. I’m even happier to be living in a time where a movie like this can made.