
PinWheel Procrastination: Here’s To The Crazy Ones


And you thought Friday (sometimes Saturday) mornings couldn’t get any better!


★ Americans ditch cooking on Thanksgiving. I may join the revolution come Christmas!

★ Now this is well worth a Black Friday massacre- a Tardis fridge!

★ Same price as an iPad- much better performance. Sign me up for the quad-core Asus transformer!

★ Score one for the fatties: Thinner People More Likely to Die After Surgery.

★ What’s your Flout score? This sounds like an SNL sketch!

Ipad for boys, Nook for girls? No dummy, it’s about the price points.

★ Someone sticking up for Amazon? Say it ain’t so! The funny thing is, I agree with him!

★ Us cord cutters dodged a major bullet this week. We don’t need cable until at least 2022! NFL’s on network tv!

★ FDA allows farmers to sell fake olive oil. Fantastic.

★ Kiss me! The history of mistletoe.

FCC acts to quiet blaring TV commercials. Samsung use to make a tv that automatically did this. That lasted for about one year.

★ A century worth of toys. My favorite is the Rubik’s Cube.

★ NASA hates Arthur C. Clarke.

Louis CK proves people will pay for quality and drm free entertainment.

★ Congress actually achieves something. I’m just as shocked as you are.

Congressional staffers behind SOPA get shiny new jobs as entertainment industry lobbyists. Why can’t we create laws to stop this?

★ How much did Instagram pay for this award? I kid, I kid- kind of.

★ Because the world needs more Doctor Who. Thanks @Qu33r64ym3r!




★ Go to Google and type in let it snow- they never disappoint. Photobucket


★ Steve Jobs’ first major speech.


★ Woz is more of a hippy but still a great piece.


★ Absolutely correct! Again from the genuis @Qu33r64ym3r!


★ “Just like Harry Potter, Steve Jobs knew he was a wizard being raised by muggles.” Alan Deutschman