
PinWheel Procrastination: Ann Coulter and Gilbert Arenas Should be Dating



And you thought Friday mornings couldn’t get any better!


FACEbook face recognition. Still believe Mark Zuckerberg isn’t selling your data? Yeah me, either.

★The YA authors started a digital revolt after the Wall Street Journal blasted the adult content in the genre. I have to say, I agree with the Journal.

★ A return to child slavery. Round of applause to the idiot elected officials in Maine and Missouri!

★ Jon Hamm tell us the real reason why Mad Men almost got canceled. See, (love of) money is the root of all evil!

What your email address says about you. Glad I’m

★ Don’t kill the messenger! If anything Satoshi Kanazawa’s research Why Black Women Are Unattractive, shows how racism falls harder on African American women.

Gilbert Arenas should be banned from Twitter and dating.

★ Truth be told, I’ve never met a pushy atheist.

★ iPredict Facebook will be far more evil than Google.

★ Dan Lyons blew the cover on Jim Goldman, formerly of CNBC, currently at Burson-Marsteller PR firm (aka Google haters).


★ Patrice O’Neal’s Elephant in the Room comedy will make you laugh until you cry. Currently streaming on Netflix.


★ If more people like Michael Ruppert were running the country, the world would be a better place. The man should be in government. Currently streaming on (you guessed it) Netflix.


★ A Flow of Water predicts the next great war over a dying resource. Currently streaming on my favorite place, Netflix.


★ Ann Coulter is just is not likable, neither is Gilbert Arenas… you see where I’m going with this?


★ Steve Jobs owes this kid a Kidney. When marketing meets stupidity.

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