
PinWheel Procrastination: An Idiot Abroad


And you thought Friday mornings couldn’t get any better!


Astronauts blurred vision after months in space could hinder us going to Mars. Send out the robots!

Neutrinos clocked faster than light, but us nerds already knew that. We were just waiting for the proof!

★ Dear Amazon, you make billions of dollars and you can’t afford air conditioning? Sounds like Foxconn.

★ How Mark Davidson became the laughing stock of Twitter. Really, how hard is it to write your own cheesy tweets?

American Apparel does not like jokes or fat people.

★ Careful what you tweet, kids. This guy just lost his job at Microsoft.

★ Seven decades of British comedy. Ting Tong included!

★ Here why we need to abolish the electoral college and stick with the popular vote.

★ Facebook’s new timeline tells you who unfriended you. Now all we need is a dislike button.

Blockbuster streaming is not a Netlfix killer. At this point, nothing is.

★ Netflix’s Qwikster is less interesting than @Qwikster.

★ I call dibs on the falling satellite.

★ The real Facebook timeline.


★ An Idiot Abroad and his hilarious adventures.


★ The best part of F8.


★ Barista’s “Starbucks Rant” song gets him fired. He should have changed his song lyrics to Dunkin Donuts.