
Long Live Santigold

With the state of music being coiffed boys dating former wizards, fourth place finishers of British X-Factor, and girls that adorn meat dresses- it’s no wonder why I gave up on new music.

I’ve been lisiting to Adele since her Chasing Pavement days. She was in no way mainstream back then, but it wasn’t hard to figure out that one day she would be. Once people looked passed the size zero blonde manufactured albums being pumped out like jelley donuts.

Can you imagine my suprise when I saw the new Honda commercial and had to figure out whose music was in the background? The electronic melody was too catchy for even a cynic like me not to smile. Even more funny is this is one of the many ways I learn about new music. Online commercials. An NFL commercial led me to one of my favorite bands, Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zero.

Once I played through the whole song by Santigold, I realized I hadn’t even heard the best part. She’s not a typical musician because she’s talented, not modely, and has songs with global undertones. All the more reason for us to love her. The saddest part is, this song has been out for almost a year and I’m now hearing about it. In my opinion, it’s girls like this that should be playing the Superbowl, but she won’t. She doesn’t seem like the type to peddle sugar water.