
Happy Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who mastered mac and cheese multiple ways to satisfy a perfect older child and her picky young sibling. She makes the meanest tuna noodle casserole- even though she detests the smell of seafood. To the woman who allowed a tomboy to take a part sections of a tv as long as she could reassemble it before Daddy got home. She happily handed me the electronic section of the circulars- even though other family members thought it wasn’t feminine. Whose favorite line is “Of course you’re beautiful, now go be smart.”



And to mama Milady, who prays for me when the days seem long, and who preaches, “You can do anything you want, and you can do it by yourself.” Who dislikes her picture being taken, even though she’s my favorite person to photograph.

My mamas. Women fiercely independent in cultures that teach otherwise. To these goddesses that keep me in line and preach, Just do your work and everything will be fine

Happiest of Mother’s Days, and thanks for keeping us misfits out of trouble.