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Glorifying Sam Pepper

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Sam Piper Pepper has just been brought to my attention. Two days ago I had no idea who he was. A week ago, I had no idea he had over two million viewers. Two weeks ago, I had no idea he had published more than three, over the top type videos. Videos that included handcuffing himself to random girls on the street, then asking for kisses to be uncuffed. With most recently, the butt pinching video.


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With a fake hand as a decoy, his real hand was free to pinch girls and blame it on passerbyers. After the outcry, he called it a ‘social experiment’. No one with a functioning brain believes him. He also said the girls were actresses. How hard is it to pay someone off, after the fact, and then cast them as an actor?


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Here’s why I’m mad. Yes, Peter Pipper Pepper is an idiot, but who are those two million people subscribed to him? Who are his millions of Twitter followers? Why is everyone now mad? He didn’t wake up last week and make his first red flag video. It’s. Been. Happening.

Now for a not-so-fun fact. Pepper has been accused of soliciting under-aged girls. No one on this side of the screen is shocked. If that’s his behavior on camera, I don’t want to see him in private. New allegations have even come out as rape.



Pepper has gone on to say that that his email was spoofed and has taken to deactivating his Facebook account, where the solicitations originated. He is well prepared and has an answer for everything.

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I have an idea. Can you stop glorifying these people? From the Kardashians to Love and Hip Hop. What about making these creedents popular sounds like a good idea? Might I suggest, Cosmos or Top Chef. The continuous, pyramid building of stupidity, has to stop. How far would he have realistically gotten, if he wasn’t a handsome, Caucasian Brit?

You created the monster, now it’s time to shut it down.