
Florida SuperCon Panel: Alex Kingston from Doctor Who

Some call her Alex Kingston, but we all know her as Dr. River Song from Doctor Who. Getting to the Florida SuperCon extra early is a must for attendees- if just for the panels! Kingston gave out secrets from the upcoming season.

Her panel ran an extra hour long since there were at least 40 people in line at the microphone to ask questions. Most were met with the exclamation “Spoilers!” from Kingston.

But what did she promise would be revealed next season?

Are Doctor Who and River Song actually married?
Personally, I don’t think that they are, but you and I both know that trying to guess a Doctor Who plot line is similar to picking lottery numbers.

Was his name the only words whispered at the wedding?
Probably not, the writers are better than that!

Kingston also shared that the writer/producer Steven Moffat is working on who is River’s first doctor!

Was the Doctor being impersonated in the Teselecta (as River song mentioned) or did he truly ‘die’?
Unfortunately, I think this is the last for Matt Smith because BBC is already casting for their next Doctor.

Next year’s season can’t come fast enough! We Whovians will be waiting…


Pictures from the Florida Supercon Panel.








