
David Carr was Liquid Honesty


I can’t describe David Carr in one word.

I can give you a one syllable word on those people on E! You know, the ones with where her husband is known for interrupting award shows. Yeah- them.

Favorite Carr quote? In Page One, he’s asked, “How scared are you right now?” referring to the possible demise of the New York Times. His answer, “I’ve been a single parent on welfare, this is nothing!”


A year later in his Mediabistro interview, he described Minnesota as, “The whitest place on earth. Everyone looked like me. The food was white, the landscape was white. There was a white overclass and an black underclass.” He goes on to describe the Minnesota Police Department in his first covered story, “It was a police department that didn’t reflect much in diversity and who had no accountability in what they did.”



Summation: David Carr. Liquid honesty.


His final interview with Edward Snowden took part hours before his passing.