politics, The Notebooks, writing

Political Christmas

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First off, I want to say I’m sorry. Sorry because for me it’s political Christmas. We’re half way to an election year and goody goody gum drops, is it exciting!

A little background, the first election I ever worked on was John Kerry’s. It was 2004. NBC was the first network to livestream on election night. The popular vote said he only lost by less than 4,000 votes. But that entire night, as precinct after precinct closed, no one was at 270. I remember it was four o’clock in the morning. I had happily eaten 2 boxes on Dunkin Donuts. I was steadily working on three. I can’t count how many gallons of coffee. On a normal day it’s eight cups. Come stressful times multiply that to infinity and beyond. All I know is we had three admins working the phones and the coffee makers. On election night we had two dedicated to the caffeine stations. They’re the real MVPs.

The whole time I proofing speeches and running data. Lots of number. Lots of charts. Lots of what ifs. At eleven that night the our campaign director, Mary Beth Cahil, runs over to my desk. “I’m giving Jason all the speeches. I need double counts on each battle ground and the briefs!” She was calling for the exit data out of the battle ground states and legally were we able to challenge.

This is my first campaign, it’s not even midnight, and the dream of the after party died at nine.

Then came the lawyers. Two-twenty hits my digital watch. At this point box number three of donuts is sitting on my large rectangle table. I’m trying to ignore it but Jenny , our admin, has lovingly placed a note, “For Sarah only by order of Mary Beth.” She meant business. The sugar and coffee was suppose to keep me going through the night. There was also two extra large veggie pizzas from Dominos at the farther end of the table. None of this food survived to see sunlight.

About twenty minutes after my second Bavarian donut from box number three, five lawyers from the DNC calmly walk into my office. There were handshakes. They also came with two bags of PF Changs. My charts were worth at least four, but I never complained. All par of the course in this business. They were pouring over my data to see how close it really was between Kerry and Bush. Especially in key states, like my home in Florida. The Orlando corridor, the margins were as small as a few hundred. Demanding a recount was in their favor. This is the presidency we’re talking about not loosing change in a vending machine. Michigan, Iowa, Florida, and Wisconsin all polled tight.



This was the election were we learned about the hanging chad, the pregnant chad, and why using paper and humans in an election was about the dumbest thing in the entire world is is certainly why the aliens refuse to acknowledge us. That is still my firm belief. I will not back down from it. Ever.

The next morning we did not have a president. The recounts were pouring in. I never forgave the third party voters. When elections are tight you play to win. They played for Bush. They squandered votes for Ralph Nader. I have no principle problem with that except that it’s meaningless. Why not vote for real change instead of fairy tales?

So what’s the point of this post? Essentially to say sorry. Sorry for all political tweets. Now you know why. Part of my background beyond tech and finance ties right into who will call the White House home. So thanks for bearing with me. Only twelve more months to go!